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Flight of the Apprentice - Episode 6: Solutions

Writer's picture: Drakonspyre GamingDrakonspyre Gaming

This series is a bit different than those that I usually post. This was conceived more as a dice-powered short story more so than a full-on Actual Play. Using Starforged as the engine, I began to write a fan-fiction based in the Star Wars universe. I've always loved Star Wars and have spent a considerable part of the last 25 years devouring the written and video content produced by George Lucas and his collaborators—especially the content commonly referred to as Legends today. This entry is an ode to my love for the franchise, and is meant as an homage. It is also a method test for writing stories powered by dice. Thank you for joining me on this adventure.


Begin a Session

"Form up on BK!" a heavily armored Falleen barked from the back of the group of Black Sun toughs.

The hulking black-furred Wookie rumbled from the front, raising his massive hand into the air and clenching his fist.

The Black Sun hit squad, now wary after their strike team was wiped out by Naavi and the traitorous Bek Shade, moved quietly through the darkened streets of Old Town. The unguarded warehouse the Zabrak freedom fighter used as a base capped the street, its duracrete facade a dark silhouette.

Black Krrsantan stepped up to the corrugated metal doors and grabbed them with his gauntleted hands. An ear-splitting screech rang off the buildings as he ripped the door free.

The hail of blaster fire the squad expected never came. Darkness filled the warehouse, and nothing moved.

"Advance," the squad leader whispered.


"Tell us what Black Sun has planned, and I'll consider letting you live," Naavi growled at the two Black Sun agents.

"You won't get anything out of us," one of the blue-skinned Falleen growled.

"Then I've no use for you," Naavi said, quietly. She raised her blaster and aimed it at the Falleen who had spoken.

"Wait," Beren said, pushing her blaster down. "Let me talk to them."

Naavi glared at him but holstered the blaster and stepped back. "Be my guest."

"You want to tell us what you know," Beren said in a firm, commanding voice. He slowly moved his hand, palm down, in front of the Falleen's dark eyes.


Advance the Clock

Resource Update

"We've missed the check in. Boss will send another squad to take you out. You're done, traitor."

"How long?"

"An hour max," the Fallen replied.

As Beren turned to look at Naavi, the Zabrak fired her blaster twice. Neither Falleen made a sound as the energy bolts burned through their skulls.

"That was not necessary," Beren snapped. "They were contained."

"The last thing we want is these two getting loose while their friends are coming through my front door."

Beren didn't reply.

"There's only one way into the warehouse," Naavi continued as if nothing had happened. "Unless they blow a hole in the wall, they can only come in through the loading door. That gives us an advantage. Do you have a lightsaber, Jedi?"

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean, 'not exactly'?"

"I dismantled it. It's not exactly safe to be seen with one anymore."

"Can you rebuild it before the attack begins?"

"With enough time and peace, yes. But I shouldn't."

"We will need every advantage we can get if we are going to survive this. I will boot up my droids. Terrik, up the stairs there is a security room with monitors for the perimeter cameras. Keep watch. Jedi, re-build your weapon. I'll fill you in on the plan when you're done."

Beren nodded and stood quietly as Naavi and Booster Terrik left the workshop. Fear warred with his training as he considered the risks of wielding his lightsaber again. He was certain, before this moment, that he'd never reassemble it.

"Trust the Force, my apprentice," he heard his master's words, words he'd heard so many times during his training when doubt would take over his thoughts, in his head.

With his master’s reassuring voice echoing in his mind, Beren sank to his knees and opened his satchel. Inside, among many other things, were the pieces of his lightsaber. He laid the grip, emitter housing, and switch apparatus on the floor in front of him.

He dug his fingers into a small seam he'd sewn into the bottom of the satchel, ripping through the poorly done stitches and removing a small, green crystal. The crystal pulsed with green light as he held it in his palm, feeling a warmth suffuse his body.

Beren took several steadying breaths and let his consciousness drift into the familiar eddies and currents of the Force. He felt the cold strength of the metal, and the warm vibrancy of his Kyber crystal. He felt the agitation and fear radiating off of Naavi, and, further away, Booster Terrik worried that he'd gotten himself in too deep. Beren smiled when the man's aura changed from indecisive to resolute.

Face Danger

Resource Update

The click of the emitter housing connecting with the grip echoed in the silence. The crystal aligned perfectly, and the switch apparatus clamped tightly to the grip. The small buttcap with the bronze ring spun itself tight. The seven small screws that held the lightsaber's pieces together gently threaded themselves into place. As the last screw tightened, Beren held out his hand and the floating black and bronze cylinder landed in his palm.

The familiar snap-hiss echoed off the workshop walls, the verdant light of the blade casting a green glow on the gray duracrete. The gentle hum synced to his heartbeat, and for the first time in months, Beren Lathlock felt whole.


"They're here!" Booster Terrik called down from the security office. "Two dozen armored goons, a Falleen commander and a black-furred Wookie."

"Time to put the plan into action. Beren, wait in the rafters. Terrik, there's a rifle in the room with you, provide overwatch. Droids, you will open fire on my command."

The warehouse echoed with twenty-four tinny voices declaring “Roger, roger.”

Beren moved to the warehouse door and leapt straight up into the rafters. He watched as Naavi and IG-200 crouched behind crates inside a ring of the twenty-four activated and armed B-1 battle droids. The lights went dark as the sound of tearing metal echoed through the warehouse.

With a grating rip, the corrugated door flew from its mounts and the Wookie led the hit squad into the dark warehouse. Beren knew Naavi was planning to lure the Black Sun soldiers deeper inside the warehouse before letting the B1s open fire. His role was to hold the door against reinforcements and runners.

The lights flashed on, temporarily blinding the attackers.

“Fire!” Naavi ordered, and her droids opened fire. The initial volley dropped half a dozen of the assailants, leaving the others to scramble into whatever cover they could find.

Enter the Fray

Resource Update

Endure Harm

Resource Update

Custom Oracle

Beren dropped to the ground with barely a sound, but was slammed backwards in a flurry of furry blows as the Wookie attacked him from the side.

He caught his shoulder on a support beam and spun, saving himself from slamming into the jagged edge of the destroyed door. Beren let out a long breath as he landed in a crouch. He reached out to the Force and felt it's power course through him, blocking the pain in his shoulder.

He faced the Wookie, and, with a snap-hiss, brought his green bladed lightsaber into a defensive position. The Wookie roared in challenge and charged him.

Beren slashed crosswise at the Wookie's chest, the blow gouging a burning line across his armored breastplate. The Wookoe, in turn, swatted Beren's arm and sent the lightsaber flying into the darkening alley in front of the warehouse.

Face Danger

Resource Update

Beren somersaulted over the Wookie's next attack, landing ten feet away from him. Without looking back, he vaulted through the air and reached out with the Force. He felt the familiar thrum of his kyber crystal not far away and extended his hand. The lightsaber flipped through the air and landed in his open hand just in time for Beren to face off with the rampaging Wookie once more.


Advance the Clock

"Wait!" Beren called out, empowering his words with the Force. "We don't have to do this."

The Wookie stumbled to a stop and looked at the Jedi with a cocked head.

"I know you're a mercenary. Black Sun's time on Nar Shaddaa is over. The Hutts are moving against them to restore peace to Old Town. Leave now, and I'll make sure you're not brought up to the Hutts."

The Wookie rumbled in Shyriiwook, his dark eyes looking intently at the Jedi. Beren could sense the thoughts and feelings flowing through the hulking warrior. Just when he thought the Wookie would press the attack, he barked something in his language and bounded past Beren. The black-furred mercenary disappeared into the shadows.

Mark Progress

The sound of blaster fire drew Beren’s mind away from the fleeing Wookie, and the doubts about his decision to let the warrior go. From his vantage in the street he could see at least four of the Black Sun squad were still in the fight and several of the B1s had taken damage or had parts scattered across the room.


Resource Update

Beren launched himself into the room, cutting down two of the attackers before they even knew he was there. Another, seeing his comrades fall to the slashing green blade, opened fire on Beren. Allowing the Force to flow through him and guide his movements, the young Jedi blocked the blaster bolts sending some into the floor and walls. The last bolt flashed back at the attacker, sizzling the green skin of his exposed throat and dropping him to the floor. Beren somersaulted across the room, landing beside another enemy. This one had already drawn a vibroblade and struck hard and fast. Beren barely had time to deflect the blow with his lightsaber, shearing off the metal blade with a down swing then reversed his slash across the Quarren’s chest.

The final Black Sun soldier bolted for the door, taking a single blaster bolt to the left shoulder. He stumbled to a knee, but forced himself up and ran into the night. Beren started after him, knowing that should he inform the Empire that there was a Jedi on Nar Shaddaa he’d never be safe.

“Leave him,” Naavi called. “They won’t be back tonight.”

“I’m more concerned about him bringing the Empire down on my head. I told you it was a bad idea to reconstruct my lightsaber.”

“The Empire may come to Nar Shaddaa, but they’ve never had a hold here. The Hutts control this space, and the Empire, like the Republic before, respects their autonomy. Like it or not, their criminal enterprises keep the galaxy running.”

“Maybe, but I’ll be leaving as soon as my ship is sold. I can’t wait around if the Empire knows that I’m here. Four people knowing my secret is too many.”

“Who else knows? Me, Terrick, and the goon are only three.”

“The black Wookie.”

"Where is Krrsantan anyway?" Naavi asked.


"Did you kill him?" Naavi asked, her eyes glinting with predatory delight.

"No. Convinced him he was better off not being associated with Black Sun."

"Would have preferred you ended him. Would have been better for you too," she replied, then shrugged before pulling her comlink from her belt and clicking the receive message button.

Beren was torn between adhering to the Code, and respecting life as a gift from the Force and protecting his secret. Ultimately, he knew he would never take a life in cold blood. That wasn’t the way of the Jedi, and he would not dishonor his master that way. He would just run, again.

"Mistress Naavi, this is AX-23. Her eminence, Gardulla, wished me to inform you that the Black Sun presence on Nar Shaddaa has been terminated. She extends her gratitude to you for your efforts to disrupt their takeover attempt."

Naavi looked back to Beren, a sharp toothed grin on her face. "Looks like you upheld your end of the deal, Jedi. Old Town will be safe from the Black Sun now."

She stood and extended a hand to Beren, who stepped forward and clasped it. "I am glad to have aided the people of Old Town."

Beren's own comlink buzzed and he pulled it free of his belt.

"Bek Shade, I am happy to report that your recent acquisition has been sold. The credits will be held for you at the Port Authority office."

Beren felt a weight lift from his shoulders with the knowledge that the ARC-170 was no longer his problem.

"Good news, Beren!" Booster called while descending the stairs. "The deal's closed."

"You won the bid, huh?" Beren asked, smiling.

"I did indeed! My contact will pay double what I did to add it to their collection." Booster paused, then added, "I've got a proposition for you."

"Let's hear it."

"You're gonna need to leave Nar Shaddaa. Too many people know you're a Jedi and the Empire’s bounty on Jedi goes up every day. What do you say to coming with me? I can get you a false identity, forged credentials, and a place to retire if that's your wish."

Beren listened to the smuggler with a growing sense of hope welling up in his chest. He could start over, for real, and leave the worries of the past behind.

"That offer is much too good to refuse."

"I thought you'd say that."

Beren gathered his gear and, after wishing Naavi the best, followed Booster back to the landing port and collected his cut of the sale. Booster and the port workers loaded the ARC-170 into the cargo bay of the Pulsar Skate while Beren made himself at home in the crew quarters.

Fulfill Vow

Advance the Clock

As the Pulsar Skate launched and made for orbit, an Imperial battleship flashed out of hyperspace, launching a troop transport from its top hangar.. A dark presence, full of anger and pain, reverberated through the Force as the transport passed. Beren shivered, and then the Skate slipped into hyperspace and the sensation passed.


Thank you for following along with Beren's adventure! I'll be taking a week off and returning in July with a new website and a new adventure!


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