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Flight of the Apprentice: Episode 3 - Underbelly

Writer's picture: Drakonspyre GamingDrakonspyre Gaming

This series is a bit different than those that I usually post. This was conceived more as a dice-powered short story more so than a full-on Actual Play. Using Starforged as the engine, I began to write a fan-fiction based in the Star Wars universe. I've always loved Star Wars and have spent a considerable part of the last 25 years devouring the written and video content produced by George Lucas and his collaborators—especially the content commonly referred to as Legends today. This entry is an ode to my love for the franchise, and is meant as an homage. It is also a method test for writing stories powered by dice. Thank you for joining me on this adventure.


Begin A Session

Naavi Jerrun watched from the shadows as the young criminal walked away. The doubt and uncertainty roiled off of him in thick waves, and there was something else too. Just below the surface of the strange human's psyche, she could detect something more...powerful.

"Perhaps the Jedi missed that one?" she thought out loud. "Gee-Two, what do you think?"

The commando droid didn't immediately speak. The hooded head cocked to one side in a gesture that reminded the Zabrak engineer of a canine.

"My sensors detect nothing out of the ordinary with the Black Sun emissary."

Naavi smiled, and patted the droid on the shoulder. "I would not expect you to, my friend. Keep watch. He'll be back before the end of the next cycle. Bring him to me no matter what he decides."

"Yes, mistress," Gee-Two replied, and strode into the darkness.

Naavi took a deep breath and settled her mind, reaching deep within herself to a flickering orb of spiritual energy, its warm glow filling her senses as she focused on it. A green light flickered in her dark eyes, and tattoos that were invisible otherwise, glowed an incandescent green. She searched, stretching out her magic and awareness toward the bright spot that was Shade Bek. There was a wall there, and despite her power prodding it, she was unable to penetrate his protective shell. With a resigned sigh, she released the green orb and let the flames of the magic abate with each deep breath she exhaled.

"Shade Bek is more than he lets on, that much I can see. But, so am I." Naavi smiled, satisfied.


The next day, Beren made his way back to Old Town. The rundown market square was abuzz with people of various species. A golden-scaled Trandoshan fur trader hawked his wares, ostensibly not Wookie pelts, to passersby while an Ithorian rumbled about the benefits of meiloorun fruits for the digestive system.

Gather Information

Resource Update

"Excuse me," Beren called out.

The Ithorian rumbled to a stop, moving its bulbous eyes to face the young human.

"What can I help you with?" the Ithorian rumbled in its native tongue, which was then produced in Basic by a small vocabulator attached to his throat.

"What do you know of Black Sun?"

The Ithorian rumbled louder, almost aggressively, and stamped its feet. "The Black Sun are wicked, greedy tyrants!"

"And what of this Naavi and her battle droids?"

"Naavi has the benefit of the common folk in mind. She isn't always kind, but she is fair. Much better than the Black Sun, if you ask me. Cheaper too!"

Beren spent the next hour canvassing the market, talking to various people and receiving much the same response. The Black Sun was considered a greedy, tyrannical organization while Naavi and her droids were heroes to most in Old Town.

After the midday meal, he returned to the warehouse. In place of the two B-1s that guarded the door the previous day, a lithe figure shrouded in a black cloak and hood stood tall against the duracrete wall, their hand resting on the shaft of a five foot long staff. The ends of the staff sported emitter housings that told Beren the figure was wielding an electro-staff, though he'd never seen the make before.

"You have returned," the figure said, stepping away from the wall. The voice was not quite humanoid, possessing a metallic tinge that belied true vocal chords.

"I have asked around Old Town, and it seems your master speaks true. I believe she serves the interest of the people."

"Then you will forsake your quest to eradicate Mistress Naavi?"

"I never vowed to eradicate Naavi explicitly. I merely agreed to convince or remove the gang holding Old Town hostage. My investigation suggests this is the Black Suns, not your group."

"Very well, come inside. My mistress will see you now."

The figure turned, its thick soled feet thumping hard on the duracrete. Its movements, Beren noticed, were not quite smooth enough to be humanoid. The realization clicked as the figure lifted the heavy steel roller door with one metallic hand—this was the IG-200 prototype droid.

Inside, Naavi greeted him with a sharp-toothed smile.

"Welcome, Shade Bek. I am given to understand you will help us rid Old Town of the Black Sun?"

"My...personal...code insists I offer aid to the persecuted and downtrodden. I have no wish to get into a gang war with the Black Sun. But, if there is another way of freeing Old Town from their influence, you have my assistance."

"Very good!" the Zabrak clapped her gloved hands. "I wish to avoid war as well. To that end, travel with me to the Underbelly. The Hutt Lords, I have on good authority, are sympathetic to our cause. If we can get their approval, they might remove the Black Sun for us."

"Lead on," Beren said, but he unclipped the safety strap on the holster of his DC-17 pistol just in case.

The Zabrak and the battle droid led Beren through the warehouse, and out onto a small landing pad overlooking a cloud-filled abyss. The young human stopped to look down into the depths.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Naavi asked, stepping beside him.

"What's down there?"

"The surface of the moon, I assume. No one I know has ever ventured down there."

"It feels...alive, if that makes sense."

"I feel it too. Very different kind of life than up here too."

"Feral? Wild?" Beren stated.

"Free," the engineer replied and smiled at Beren. "Come Bek, it's time for us to meet with the Hutt Council."

Beren followed her into a silver and blue civilian transport ship. Naavi settled into the co-pilot’s seat next to the droid, whose metallic legs were now visible beneath the control console. Beren climbed into an empty jumpseat and steadied himself in the Force.

Naavi's head snapped around, her eyes alight with curiosity. They stared at one another for a long moment, before the whine of the speeder's repulsorlifts broke the tension.

Beren did not know what the look meant, but he was disconcerted and wary of the Zabrak now. There was, he realized, something about her. She was more than just a droid engineer, but he couldn't place it. Not yet, but now he was vigilant.


Advance the Clock

Set A Course

Resource Update

The ship arrived at a domed landing pad on the foggy surface of Nal Hutta. A chrome plated protocol droid met the party, and introduced themself as AX-23.

"The council is pleased that you have reached out to us. Follow me."

AX-23 led Beren, Naavi, and the commando droid down a long, dark corridor of a bulbous building attached to the landing pad. At a grand door, engraved with emblems of trees, swamp grass and scrawny animals, the droid stopped and turned to face the three.

"Please leave all weapons on the table there," the droid pointed at an elegantly carved table on the lefthand side of the corridor. "They will await your return."


"I am afraid that isn't possible," Naavi replied, resting her palm on the grip of her blaster. "No offense to the great council, but I've survived too long to let myself be put in such a vulnerable state."

"Then you shall not enter the council chamber. Mistress Gardulla's instructions were clear."

"Is your survival instinct stronger than your desire to help the people of Old Town?" Beren asked. "The Hutts would not strike at you in their own council chamber."


Beren risked opening himself to the Force and prodded the Zabrak's mind, hoping to add some weight to his argument.

At first, Naavi looked as if she would argue with Beren, but she stopped mid retort and stared pointedly at him. He noticed that her eyes were flecked with an iridescent green he’d never noticed before. She offered him a half-smile, and a knowing look.

"You're right, Bek. Of course, you're right."

The engineer and her droid took their weapons to the indicated table and laid them next to Beren's DC-17. The young Jedi was surprised to see the sheer number of weapons the two were carrying. More concerning, however, was the sensation that Naavi saw more than she let on. It sent a shiver through his spine, but he clamped down on the fear as best he could and followed AX-23 and the others into the large, circular council chamber.

The front of the council chamber was wide and open, while the Hutts' diases were positioned higher up on the back wall, requiring petitioners to look up at the gathered crime bosses.

"Mistress Naavi Jerrun, former Separatist droid engineer and freedom fighter here to see you, my mistress," AX said, bowing gently at his articulated waist.

The Hutt in the center of the room, Gardulla Beren assumed, spoke in Huttese.

"The venerable Gardulla, mighty and glorious, wishes you a good day, Naavi Jerrun, and will hear your petition."

Naavi bowed deeply, and addressed the gathered Hutts, "Mighty Gardulla, and the venerable members of the great Hutt Council, I come to you on behalf of the people of Old Town on Nar Shaddaa. They have been tormented and terrorized by members of a rival syndicate, the Black Sun, for many cycles. My group has sought to undermine their efforts, but have made very little progress against such a persistent threat."

The Hutts conferred in their guttural language for a long while. Gardulla eventually turned and addressed Naavi. When the Hutt was finished speaking AX-23 translated.

"Mighty Gardulla and the gathered Council Members have heard of the Black Sun's encroachment on our territory. We have been keeping an eye on your own operations and have heard much of your efforts to aid the folk of Old Town. As such, we will offer you our support in combating the Black Sun. Our desire is for those who live under the protection of the Grand Hutt Council to feel safe in their homes. Leave your requests with AX-23 and one of our agents will be in contact within the next cycle."

"You have my thanks, mighty Gardulla. The people of Old Town will be grateful as well."

AX led Beren, Naavi, and the commando droid out of the council chamber and stopped to let them rearm before guiding them back outside to the ship. Before she entered the ship, Beren saw Naavi pass the protocol droid a data card.

“The Council will find my requests recorded on this card.”

“I will deliver it to them post-haste,” the droid replied, bowing slightly to Naavi before walking away.

Once inside the ship, Beren spoke up, "That wasn't quite what I expected to happen."

"Nor I, but any help is better than none. Will you still aid us, Bek Shade?"


"I still do not want to become embroiled in a gang war, but I am committed to helping the people of Old Town. So long as our goals align, I'll aid you."

"Good, good. I see a profitable future for this partnership."


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