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Ironsworn: Session 3 - Into the Tower

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Ironsworn RPG is a solo TTRPG designed by Shawn Tomkin (links for the game can be found in the Dragon's Hoard). In our first adventure, we will be following the story of Jaggar Kova as he journeys around the Ironlands. We set up the character, his initial relationships, and motivations in Session 0 part 1 and part 2. To catch up on Jaggar's story, check out the Game Journal.


The vicinity of Stonetower, by Drakonspyre, 2022 using Wonderdraft

Dice Rolls

Jaggar kept watch over the settlement for the rest of the day from a pile of boulders, just west of the village. Much to Jaggar's surprise, there was no wall protecting the settlement, only seven guards patrolling the perimeter, though they were not particularly watchful. The community clearly did not expect swift retaliation. The capture of the chieftain, he thought, must have left them confident that the people of Olgar's Stand would be too demoralized to respond.

Dice Rolls

At full dark, Jaggar crept toward the the settlement, keeping low behind rocks and shrub brush as much as possible. Several times he was forced to lie flat on the ground and hope the patrolling guard didn't spot him in the periodic moonlight breaking through the gray clouds. Finally, after much longer than he'd planned, Jaggar slipped into the village proper.

Dice Rolls

The village was silent as he moved from cover to cover. Most buildings were dark, though one of the buildings near the center of the settlement was still lively with music and people entering and exiting. Jaggar crouched behind a dead tree and watched the building for a few moments. A woman swept out of the building, her long hair blowing in the salty breeze. Jaggar watched as she moved among the people, carrying mugs of sloshing liquid to tables situated on the porch. Jaggar was not surprised to see the tavern busy, and he was even grateful for it. It meant most of the people of Stonetower would be too occupied or too drunk to cause him much trouble.

Dice Rolls

The moon vanished behind the thick, gray clouds, offering Jaggar even more concealment as he picked his way carefully through the village. The old stone tower loomed over him as he slipped into an overgrown courtyard. The arrogance of the leaders of Stonetower angered him, as he crouched behind a bush, watching the entrance to the unguarded tower.

These people, he thought, think that we have been cowed. He glowered in the darkness, eager to remind them of the martial prowess of the folk of Olgar's Stand. He moved through the shadows until he came to the yawning, dark opening of the tower.

Dice Rolls

The inside of the tower was dimly lit by guttering torches spaced unevenly along a gently descending broken stone path. Jaggar crept along the path, keeping to the shadows as much as he was able. Still, he found nothing to impede his progress. The path went on for a long while, circling the core of the tower, until it suddenly ended at an impassable pile of debris.

Jaggar, retracing his steps, moved back to the entrance, looking around for where they could have taken Serene. He pressed his hands against the wall, and slowly moved along it until he stumbled forward into a cleverly hidden passage. Jaggar kept his footing and moved slowly through the hidden passage, lest he trip and fall on some unseen hazard.

Eventually his boot scuffed against a raised part of the ground. He tentatively stepped up, only to discover he had reached a stair. Climbing on, he continued on the steep incline until the passage opened up into a small room, lit by a stubby, flickering candle.

Dice Rolls

Jaggar listened carefully before moving into the next passageway. He could hear low murmuring somewhere ahead, but nothing that sounded like it was close by. When he was relatively certain it was safe to advance, he stepped into the hallway and immediately heard a loud click. He threw himself backwards as a cascade of rubble fell from the shadowed ceiling.

Dice Rolls (Results)

Dice Rolls

A large piece of stone slammed against his shoulder, but he managed to roll out of the way before it crushed him against the flagstones. Jaggar groaned as he cradled his bruised and battered arm. The pain was not the worst he had ever experienced, he had been wounded on the battlefield many times. Still, he berated himself for being so careless, even more so when the echo of a clanging bell sounded from higher up. He suspected setting off the trap had triggered an alarm, and his presence was likely known by the inhabitants of the tower.

Dice Rolls (results)

He struggled to his feet and drew on the wealth of his battle experience—of being stabbed, bruised and battered—to push through the ache in his shoulder.

Dice Rolls

Jaggar stepped tentatively into the corridor. He looked around, eyeing the flagstones of the floor and watching for the tell-tale signs of trip wires. Seeing nothing, he took another step. Then another, pausing with each footfall, anxious that he might set off another trap. After several steps, he grew more confident and told himself there wouldn't be a trap so close to the previous one. He had only just loosened up and regained his confidence when he felt a tug against his booted shin. The resistance snapped audibly.

Dice Rolls

A blade sliced through the air where Jaggar previously stood, swinging on a wooden shaft from the ceiling. He managed to press his body tight against the right-hand wall and felt the wind as the blade rushed by.

Dice Rolls (Results)

Keeping his body against the wall, he side-stepped his way down the corridor and into the next room. The room was much like the first one, square and lit by a single candle on an iron stand. Unlike the first, however, he was not alone.

Dice Rolls

Jaggar heard the creature's deep, heavy breaths first. There was movement in the dark corner, and then the clicking sound of claws on the flagstones filled the room. Two orbs of yellow light sparked in the shadows, and a low rumbling emanated from the creature as it stepped into the dim glow of the candle. The light revealed a muscular mastiff, baring its teeth with a growl.

Dice Rolls (Results)

Jaggar knew the animal was only doing what it was trained to do, and he did not wish to harm it. He slowly reached into his supply bag and pulled out a hunk of dried meat, thinking to distract the beast with food. "You're a good dog, aren't you?" Jaggar spoke in a placating tone. "Here, have some meat."

Dice Rolls

Jaggar tossed the dried meat to the dog, who stopped growling to sniff at it. Jaggar's first, slow movement forward went unnoticed, and he grew braver. The mastiff snuffled the meat, drool pooling on the floor. Jaggar made his move while it was distracted, hoping the food had convinced the dog he was no threat. He made it halfway through the room before the dog fell upon him, barking and snapping its deadly jaws. Jaggar's leather armor turned the bite and the scrabbling of the dog's claws, but the force of the impact sent him sprawling to the ground.

Dice Rolls (Results)

Dice Rolls

Jaggar managed to turn his fall into a clumsy roll, coming to his feet in front of the door. In a desperate attempt to flee, he tugged the door open, thankful it was not locked. The dog slammed against the door just as Jaggar managed to pull it shut.

Jaggar panted, doubled over with his hands on his knees. The dog continued to snarl and howl, and its claws scrabbled on the wooden door. Jaggar looked around and realized he was in another corridor, this one nearly pitch black. By the light of a single arrow-slit window, Jaggar could see another staircase leading up and to the left. He started forward cautiously into the gloom.


Jaggar's quest grows more challenging as he encounters the traps and guard dogs in the tower. What obstacle will bar his progress next? Find out in the next entry!


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