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Case Log 2: Missing Numbers

Writer's picture: Drakonspyre GamingDrakonspyre Gaming

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

We are playing Yuigaron's Sworn by Ghostlight tri-fold game available on his itch site. Check out Session Zero for more on the character, Detective Tiberius R. Remus, the city of Mónaþstone, and the Ebon Wood Effigy case.



Tiberius R. Remus, Occult Detective

Personal Case Notes

2 January, 1935 GLR


74 Smoke Street, Downtown Mónaþstone

I took my breakfast on the go and made my way to the Smoke Street branch of the Mónaþstone Municipal Bank to investigate the odd key found on Miss Montegomery's person. I was greeted at the door by the bank manager, one Walter Mannis. Mannis, a tall and thin man of middle years sporting a great oiled handlebar mustache, offered me all the help he could give. When I asked to be taken to the deposit box vault, he was quick to oblige and led me there posthaste.

Within, I asked the manager to locate box number oh-eight-four-seven.

Ask the Oracle

"Do you recognize this woman, Mr. Mannis?" I asked, showing the bank manager the most recent photo the Investigation Bureau had of Adelaide Montegomery.

The tall man stooped and peered closely at the picture, then stood to his full height and shook his head. "No Detective, can't say that I do. She looks familiar enough, I've probably seen her come through the bank. Can't say for sure though."

The manager returned to his search. When he reached the eight hundred section of the deposit vault, he stood with his hand on top of his head, staring up at the wall of metal boxes.

"Is there a problem, sir?" I asked, believing I knew the answer already.

"Yes...yes, Detective. It seems the deposit box is missing. It should be just there," he pointed to an empty slot on the wall. "But it isn't. Let me check the vault records. This is highly unusual."

Ask the Oracle

Mannis left the vault to check the record, and I spent the next ten minutes investigating the area, hoping to find something to go on, even though I feared there would be nothing. Using the newest tech from the Bureau, I scanned the metallic doors surrounding box 0847. I found nothing of note, not even a smudge from Mannis' hands.


I clicked the device to a wide-band and began to scan the floor and even the table in the middle of the room for anything that might give me a clue. The device beeped twice, then began to trill like an alarm as I moved the beam over a spot just under the table. I crouched and swiped my fingers through a small pile of sediment. My gloved fingers came away covered in very small, very fine green and brown filaments.

Action Results

Resource Updates


Using the scanning device on a tighter beam, I ran its light over my fingers. It beeped and the gear on the side began to whir as it processed the information it had scanned. Knowing it would take several moments, I sat the device on the table and continued to look around.

Action Results

Resource Update


I found nothing more on my search, save for another small pile of the sediment in the crack between the floor and the bottom of the safety deposit wall. Whoever, or whatever, had stolen the deposit box had done a poor job cleaning their shoes before coming into the vault.

Mannis walked in carrying a black clipboard at the same instant that the scanner began to trill, its copper gear whirring to a stop. On the small readout screen, were the words:

Plant Fibers: Aconitum napellus.

Action Results

Action & result

"What does it say, Detective?" the bank manager asked.

"Aconitum napellus. Some type of plant fiber."

"I've never heard of it. Perhaps Elijah Tubblebottom, the apothecary on the corner of Ember Lane and Soot might be able to tell you more."

"I'll add Mr. Tubblebottom to the list, thank you. Did you find anything in your records?"

"Yes, and also no. Miss Adelaide Montegomery is registered on the log several times going back months, and in each the signature is the same. Except for the entry dated twenty fourth December. This entry has a markedly different signature."

Mannis held out the log to me and I quickly confirmed that the signature from twenty fourth December was, indeed, noticeably different. The earlier signatures were rough and difficult to make out, while the latest was elegant, the words flowing together like the text in a holiday card.

"I'll be needing this as evidence, Mr. Mannis."

Action & Result

Resource Update

"I suspected as much. My assistant has already made a copy of the log for our records. You may take this."

Slipping the offered clipboard into my satchel, I left the bank and set out for the apartments at 103 Smoke Street.


A missing deposit box, and strange plant fibers were all that Detective Remus turned up in his investigation of Miss Montegomery's key. What will he discover at 103 Smoke Street, the flats where Miss Montegomery lived? Stay tuned for Case Log 3, next week.


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